Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Treasure Revealers Of Bhutan

So, you've had the Guru Rinpoche primer now lets talk about the tertöns or treasure revealers.

The teachings given by Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century were often written down by Yeshe Tsogyal, one of the queens of Tibet, and then hidden in various places for future generations.

There would be some precise time in the future that these treasures or termas would be found by a tertön - or treasure revealer.

The termas could be physical scrolls, statues, other holy objects, or information hidden in the mindstream of Guru Rinpoche's disciples as reborn spiritual masters, led to discover the terma through dreams, visions, and spontaneous realization.

The discoveries wouldn't happen randomly, not by somebody bumping into a terma somewhere. Padmasambhava predicted very specifically who and when each one would be discovered.

There have been many hundreds of tertöns up to this present day who have revealed thousands of these concealed teachings of Guru Rinpoche.

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